Tech and Health Panel
High level themes:
Barriers to/strategies for the adoption of new technologies
Communication/collaboration between healthcare and innovation stakeholders
Colorado’s role in the future of healthcare innovation
Emerging technologies
Jackson Stevens - Professional percussionist, technology strategist and product owner, commerce kitchen, build and deploy web and mobile applications with a focus on health care applications.
Aaron Duke - VP Product at CirrusMD, platform for patients to text and video chat with care providers. Deep experience creating and managing products outside of healthcare industry. Brings true outsider perspective.
Kevin Riddleberger- Former healer and saver of lives as a PA, made the shift to the business side with iTriage now the Chief Strategy Officer with DispatchHealth, bringing UrgentCare to your home.
Leah Brash- Made the unlikely shift from finance to innovation, going from CFO to Chief Innovation Officer at Medical Group Management Association. Since then driven healthcare innovation at 10.10.10, PrimeHealth and now as COO of AmplifyLabs, connecting healthcare industry executives with innovators
Benny Samuels - Can't say enough about her experience. If you didn't read her bio, do so. 25 years experience in marketing and communications driving meaningful programs for the hardest to reach, under-served populations. Currently CMO at Nurse-family partnership, a program to connect vulnerable 1st time moms with nurse support resulting in improved society AND evidence based ROI.
ALL - What does innovation mean to you and your organization?
Jackson/Leah Brief conversation about security, reliability, and public perception in light of recent ransomware attacks.
How does product management differ between standard commercial products and healthcare products. -Jackson
How are you planning for emergent UI’s?
Are there providers fighting text-based health care? If so, how does Cirrus work with those providers to get them on board? - Leah
What does Denver have -that San Francisco and LA don’t- that will help drive innovating healthcare solutions?
The role of ecosystems vs. the lone innovator in developing healthcare technology solutions.
Healthcare executives and digital health innovators speak a different language. How do you go about matching the two to drive success?
What are the consistent things that innovators in this space routinely get wrong?
What is the role of AI in medicine today. What will the role of AI in 5 years. - Jackson
Kevin Riddleberger
You are the one panel member with experience as a healthcare provider. What should the role of the provider be in developing new technologies? What does tech need to do to care for the caregivers?
I would like to understand how Digital Health’s approach to healthcare scales and how the lines between digital and brick & mortar are blurring for healthcare.
Doctors. Developers. How can these two highly skilled (and opinionated) groups work together?
Jackson Stevens
Your background is not traditional for either technology or healthcare. How has your background as a musician helped you in your work in healthcare technology?
How do you build apps/experiences that are simple and intuitive and yet NOT get in the way of a clinical workflow.
Although Commerce Kitchen has a strong healthcare practice, you also develop applications for other industries. What are other industries getting right that healthcare still stumbles over?
Innovation scares the hell out of executives in industries where lives are not on the line. How do you drive innovation in healthcare?
How has the digitization of healthcare impacted your mission and your impact on NFP's diverse constituents (moms, nurses, donors)?
How can our industry continue to innovate and impact the reach of NFP and the underserved population they service?
What are some of the public health/population health issues that are currently ignored but need innovation?
You have deep experience in marketing, communications, PR, even journalism. What are healthcare organizations getting right and what are they getting wrong about how healthcare tech is communicated to the public?
Leah & Benny
Women and minorities have been underrepresented and health care. What do we need to do to bring more diversity to the industry?
Closing question
Traditional society, government, and technology is being destroyed faster than our ability to develop new societies, governments, and technologies. How is Colorado uniquely equipped to lead the rebuild in healthcare? What is Colorado missing that is imperative to the rebuild.