The necessary regulation of AI
We, the people, have adopted a subserviant relationship to our technology. Technology is out of our control and therefore we require legislation to protect us from technology. Time and again elected officials have proven themselves incapable of understanding technology, let alone regulating it effectively. We, the people, must understand the regulation of technology is a personal and community action, not an action we can abdicate to our elected officials. We must unsubscribe, delete apps, put down our phones, and chose to do business with ethics organizations. We must demand the organizations we do business with have clear policies for how they will -and will not- use technology. That is regulation that works. And it works for AI, for social media, for any technology. Without participants the technology dies.
Tech bros tell us AI and algorithms will be used against us so we must engage with AI before it engages with us on its terms. But what if no one showed up to their party?