Customer Journey Mapping Jeremiah Fellows Customer Journey Mapping Jeremiah Fellows

A (not so) Comprehensive List of Customer Journey Mapping Tools

The primary tools for customer journey mapping are analog: whiteboards, butcher paper, post-it notes and markers are sufficient. The problem with these tools is that it is difficult to evolve the map that is created. For a customer journey map to grow with the organization it is necessary to transfer it to a digital medium so it can be built on over time. Unfortunately, there are not many purpose built solutions for moving your map beyond pen and paper.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

2016: The Year of Contextual Relevance

In 2016 context relevance will be most important factor driving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Marketing is currently leading the charge on contextual relevance but customer demand for contextual relevance extends beyond the presentation of offers.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

Right-emphasizing Digital in the Customer Journey

Digital is a tremendous advantage for companies that understand their customers behavior and apply technologies that make interactions more effective and enjoyable within the context of the overall customer journey. 

But digital is not a shortcut to great experiences.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

Journey Driven Sales and Marketing

Marketing and sales must evolve to become services that deliver value independent of a purchase. They must make the customer better at who they are attempting to be and what they are want to accomplish. Shifting to service based sales and marketing requires a disciplined program of customer research, journey analysis and insight development.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

Know Your Customer

Two men were born in 1948. Both were were raised in Great Britain. Both are married, have two kids, love dogs and are wealthy. And both are princes.

On the surface these men would appear to be quite similar. But engagement designed for one would probably fail for the other. One of these men is Charles, Prince of Wales. The other is Ozzy Osbourne, also known as the Prince of Darkness.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

Structure and Mechanics of a Professional Sales Organization

I have been having great conversations with people regarding breaking the traditional sales model. A consistent theme running through these conversations is that companies want to make changes in how they sell but they don’t understand their process well enough to even know what to start tweaking.

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