Three Key Misconceptions About Experience Design
I regularly see three key misconceptions about customer experience design that are limiting the effectiveness of customer experience initiatives in many organizations. These misconceptions must be resolved for companies to design experiences that are effective, enjoyable and differentiated.
Key Misconceptions of Experience Design
- Experience is entirely focused on customers - It is shortsighted to limit experience design to customers. Companies can use experience design to better serve their employees and partners as well as their customers. Non-profit or civic organizations also have a broad set of service participants that should be considered. Use experience design to address the needs of all participants, not just that of a paying customer.
- Digital experience is the only experience that is design-able - Many organizations limit experience design to digital User Experience (UX) design. The participant experience extends across every interaction with the organization and includes both physical and digital interactions. Design all interactions as a single cohesive experience to avoid creating disjointed or confusing experiences.
- Experience is limited to customer service - The customer experience encompasses the entirety of interactions a customer has with your organization and your industry. This includes their experience as they interact with your marketing and sales. Delivery, consumption and support experiences that are disconnected from the marketing and sales experience are unsettling as best and at worst can misrepresent they actual product or service. Disjointed transitions at any point in the customer journey result in a negative experience.