A (not so) Comprehensive List of Customer Journey Mapping Tools
The primary tools for customer journey mapping are analog: whiteboards, butcher paper, post-it notes and markers are sufficient. The problem with these tools is that it is difficult to evolve the map that is created. For a customer journey map to grow with the organization it is necessary to transfer it to a digital medium so it can be built on over time. Unfortunately, there are not many purpose built solutions for moving your map beyond pen and paper.
Why Does Experience Design Matter?
As consumers, we are confronted by an overwhelming variety sameness. Similar (or even identical) products and services with differences that only the experts see or care about.
As companies, we face incredibly fierce competition. Barriers to getting new products to market are incredibly low. The cost to develop new products, both physical and digital, has never been lower. The advantages of new features are short-lived and quickly copied. The result is price or feature wars and rapid commoditization.
Designing a Customer Decision Journey Driven Sales and Marketing Framework - Part 1
A step by step guide for designing a flexible framework that enables sales and marketing to adapt to changes in customers buying behaviors.
5 Key Principles for Creating a Positive Customer Experience
Enjoyable and effective customer experiences don't just happen. They must intentionally and deliberately designed across every touchpoint. This requires a deep understanding of your customers and an unwavering focus on their perspective. There are 5 key principles that help guide the creation of great experiences:
Is it time for an IoT and Digital Health Participant Experience Standard?
IoT and digital health exist in an incredibly complex environment of overlapping complementary platforms and devices made even more complex by the number and variety of people and organizations participating in the delivery and consumption of data and services.
Experience Design
For a company to remain viable there must be a focus on deliberately designing all customer interactions into a cohesive experience