Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

The MindShift Project

The MindShift Project creates tailored experiences that challenge your mind to operate in completely different ways.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

How can small entrepreneurs adapt to streamselling?

For most small e-commerce companies, streamselling, or live-streaming selling, is out of reach. Technical barriers, relationships with young and attractive influencers, and media agencies who control the customer might well cause the death of the small e-commerce company.

Photo by Liza Summer:

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

Your IT systems will almost certainly fail. Are you ready?

Designers, business analysts, operations folks, and developers have to start looking at their technology ecosystem and ask: If the system I am building goes down, how can my organization continue to fill orders, manage inventory, see patients, and take payments?

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

What is Customer Experience?

Customers are important, without a doubt. But they are not the only people your organization serves. We recommend considering the experience of all parties involved in the production, consumption, maintenance and support of your products and services.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

Reduce friction, Increase use

The relationship between friction and use can drive profoundly negative consequences that need to be intentionally identified and deliberately addressed.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows

A framework for service modernization

Most organizations are delivering at least some services via legacy platforms that are complex and brittle. Organizations are unable to modernize the services they are delivering due to the people, process, and technology interdependencies and service delivery debt.

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Jeremiah Fellows Jeremiah Fellows


Maslow got it wrong. The most basic need is the need to belong.

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